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Unlock The Secrets, The Science, And The System You Need To Supercharge Your Sales In Less Than 90 Seconds!






87% of sales professionals don’t feel adequately prepared for sales calls and 66% of customers are turned off by sales presentations—all because salespeople struggle to effectively communicate the value of an offer.*

B.A.N.K.’s personality sales training helps you beat the odds and master the science of communication, negotiation, and closing more sales for increased revenue that will transform your life.

  • Dramatically increase sales and revenue
  • Pinpoint and leverage personality science in the sales process
  • Quickly connect on a deeper level with your prospects
  • Maximize the appeal of your core message
  • Communicate clearly and effectively in any situation
  • Crack the personality code and take it to the BANK!

“Let your prospect determine your presentation.”

– Tony Robbins


Cutting-Edge Developments In Personality Science Have Revealed The Secret Of What Closes The Sale

Traditional sales training teaches you that sales is a numbers game, and that in order to get more YES’s, you have to get more NO’s. That’s only true if you don’t know the secret! When you use personality science to frame your offer, it appeals to your prospect 100% of the time. Sales is not a numbers game – it’s a people game!

How People Knowledge, Not Sales Knowledge Is The Only Thing That Can Supercharge Your Sales Income

Most salespeople present their offer based on their own personality type, not based on their customer’s personality type. That means the average salesperson communicates ineffectively about 75% of the time! B.A.N.K. teaches you to appeal to each code without wasting time for massive increases in your sales income.


B.A.N.K. Turns Traditional Personality Profiling On Its Head For Measurable Sales Results

B.A.N.K. trainings teach you the same lessons in personality science passed down for 1,000s of years that form the basis of other personality typing systems like DISC or MBTI— but in a totally different way!

Rather than using psychology, B.A.N.K. uses buyology, the science of buying behavior, applied to the sales process. According to San Francisco State University’s published white paper on B.A.N.K., this reverse-engineered technique accurately predicts buying behavior and identifies what makes someone say YES to an offer.

We teach you to pinpoint the personality of your prospect in under 90 seconds and leverage personality science to close more sales faster.

“The B.A.N.K. Code Assessment™ is a quick, reliable, and valid measure of personalities that predicts buying behavior and increases your probability of closing the sale.”

– Dr. Ryan T. Howell, PHD Associate Professor of Psychology | San Francisco State University Co-Founder | Beyond The Purchase


Crack the Code

B.A.N.K.’S Powerful Personality Profiling System Can Work For Any Sales Situation

With a successful track record of over 15 years, our profiling system is based on research-proven buying triggers for each personality type.

Once you know the buying triggers and the characteristics of each personality type—you can see immediate results!

Our proprietary step-by-step system will allow you to customize your communication style on demand, increasing your sales up to 300%. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, business owner, or a large corporation with a global sales force—our proprietary training, tools and technology will give you the system you need to take your business to the next level.


– Les Brown


B.A.N.K. Training Gives You The Solution In Easy-To-Apply Lessons That Skyrocket Sales

Use B.A.N.K.’s revolutionary breakthrough in personality science to accelerate sales and generate more revenue immediately.


Now our world-class training curriculum—taught to thousands of sales professionals and companies around the world—is available online 24/7 from any device.


With full motion HD video presented by creator Cheri Tree alongside interactive games, simulations, questions, review modules, and testing to ensure you get the most out of this game-changing content, you’ll Crack the Personality Code and Take it to the BANK in no time!

Get the full details on each course we offer through our course outlines now.


We combine interactive e-Learning with hands-on classroom learning for increased skill mastery.

Learn More About B.A.N.K. Training >>


Our proprietary tools allow you to easily “code” prospects and capture their contact information—all without meeting them in person.

Learn More About B.A.N.K. Tools >>


Cutting-edge eLearning technologies give you 24-hour access with real-time progress reports and tracking.

Learn More About B.A.N.K. Technology >>


The Research Institute of America found that eLearning alongside classroom learning increases retention rates 25% to 60% because students have more control over the learning process and the opportunity to revisit the training as needed.


Entrepreneurs • Sales Professionals • Business Owners • Direct Sales • Network Marketing • Financial Services • Real Estate • Professional Services • Online Marketing • Personal Relationships • Speakers • Authors • Coaches • Business Consultants • Corporate Sales • Employees • Leadership • Executives • Education • Non-Profits • And More


How Cheri Tree Revolutionized Sales With B.A.N.K.

When B.A.N.K. author and creator Cheri Tree was first starting out in financial sales, she struggled to get ahead, making only $700 her first year. In an effort to catch up, Cheri decided to learn everything she could about sales, including several personality typing systems. Cheri found personality science compelling, but difficult to apply in real sales situations.

Cheri dedicated herself to reverse-engineering the personality types to understand as much about her prospects as she had learned about herself. In the process, Cheri created B.A.N.K.— the first easy system that combined the proven brilliance of personality science with real-world best practices for the sales process. Plus, she made the typing itself fun, simple, and quick—perfect for real sales calls with clients. With B.A.N.K, Cheri grew her income from $72,000 to over $500,000 in just 12 months and brought her income up to over $1 million in just three years!

This massive B.A.N.K. success didn’t end there. Cheri was inspired to share B.A.N.K. with other sales professionals full-time, and her success went viral. She was invited to speak at National Achievers Congress in Europe, Asia, and Africa, sharing the stage with business giants like Les Brown, Robert Kiyosaki, and Sir Richard Branson. In addtion, Cheri lectured at Harvard University and UC Berkeley, and accepted the American Riviera Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award in Monte Carlo—all because of her work on B.A.N.K.!

Founder | CEO


$299/fee | $99/mo
Most Popular – Save $99
$199/fee | $99/mo
Start Cracking Codes Today!
Plus $99 Activation Fee & $29.95/mo
Activation Fee Waived with Access Code and Annual Option
One General Admission Ticket to the B.A.N.K. “Success Summit”
Access to One Month of BANK PASS
Plus $99 Activation Fee & $29.95/mo
Activation Fee Waived with Access Code and Annual Option
One General Admission Ticket to the B.A.N.K. “Success Summit”
Access to One Month of BANK PASS
Plus $99 Activation Fee & $29.95/mo
Activation Fee Waived with Access Code and Annual Option
One VIP Admission Ticket to the B.A.N.K. “Success Summit”
Access to One Month of BANK PASS
Plus $99 Activation & $29.95/mo
Activation fee waived with Access Code

Schedule a complimentary, no-obligation needs analysis for organizations with 10 or more employees below.






Enjoy this free sales training. You will understand that sales is all around us and why we need to learn how to sell.

  1. Chapter Coming Soon
  2. Chapter Coming Soon


Blueprint Clues

  • Stability
  • Structure
  • Systems
  • Planning
  • Processes
  • Predictability
  • Responsibility
  • Duty
  • Rules
  • Credentials
  • Titles
  • Tradition

Blueprint Clues

The B.A.N.K.® system will teach you to become at expert at looking for clues to help you decipher your prospect’s B.A.N.K.® Code, including their greeting, occupation, wardrobe, office design, reading material, education, car, brands, behaviors, and more. Each clue reveals an important piece of their code and your training from B.A.N.K.® will help you use the right scripts in the selling process.

Selling To A Blueprint

To sell your products, services or business opportunity to a B, it requires a specific type of script and sales process. The B.A.N.K.® system has perfected the scripting process down to a science and will teach you the exact formula to use when selling to the Blueprint personality type. Join now and unlock the secret to closing more sales with the Blueprint personality type.


Action Clues

  • Freedom
  • Flexibility
  • Spontaneity
  • Action
  • Opportunity
  • Excitement
  • Attention
  • Stimulation
  • Competition
  • Winning
  • Fun
  • Image

Action Clues

The B.A.N.K.® system will teach you to become at expert at looking for clues to help you decipher your prospect’s B.A.N.K.® Code, including their greeting, occupation, wardrobe, office design, reading material, education, car, brands, behaviors, and more. Each clue reveals an important piece of their code and your training from B.A.N.K.® will help you use the right scripts in the selling process.

Selling To An Action (A)

To sell your products, services or business opportunity to an A, it requires a specific type of script and sales process. The B.A.N.K.® system has perfected the scripting process down to a science and will teach you the exact formula to use when selling to the Action personality type. Join now and unlock the secret to closing more sales with the Action personality type.


Nurturing Clues

  • Relationships
  • Authenticity
  • Personal Growth
  • Significance
  • Teamwork
  • Involvement
  • Community
  • Charity
  • Ethics
  • Harmony
  • Mortality
  • Contribution

Nurturing Clues

The B.A.N.K.® system will teach you to become at expert at looking for clues to help you decipher your prospect’s B.A.N.K.® Code, including their greeting, occupation, wardrobe, office design, reading material, education, car, brands, behaviors, and more. Each clue reveals an important piece of their code and your training from B.A.N.K.® will help you use the right scripts in the selling process.

Selling To A Nurturing (N)

To sell your products, services or business opportunity to an N, it requires a specific type of script and sales process. The B.A.N.K.® system has perfected the scripting process down to a science and will teach you the exact formula to use when selling to the Nurturing personality type. Join now and unlock the secret to closing more sales with the Nurturing personality type.


Knowledge Clues

  • Learning
  • Intelligence
  • Logic
  • Self-Mastery
  • Technology
  • Research & Development
  • Science
  • Universal Truths
  • Expertise
  • Competence
  • Accuracy
  • The Big Picture

Knowledge Clues

The B.A.N.K.® system will teach you to become at expert at looking for clues to help you decipher your prospect’s B.A.N.K.® Code, including their greeting, occupation, wardrobe, office design, reading material, education, car, brands, behaviors, and more. Each clue reveals an important piece of their code and your training from B.A.N.K.® will help you use the right scripts in the selling process.

Selling To A Knowledge (K)

To sell your products, services or business opportunity to a K, it requires a specific type of script and sales process. The B.A.N.K.® system has perfected the scripting process down to a science and will teach you the exact formula to use when selling to the Knowledge personality type. Join now and unlock the secret to closing more sales with the Knowledge personality type.


BANK PASS Activation


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sed pulvinar odio. Sed at tincidunt elit, eget tristique nunc. Nam est lectus, ornare quis mollis et, sodales eu turpis. Suspendisse rutrum faucibus ligula nec elementum. Aliquam sagittis, enim ac condimentum molestie, nunc augue congue quam, in pellentesque sapien velit at diam. Fusce consectetur, augue ac rutrum accumsan, purus odio euismod sapien, ac aliquam metus nibh facilisis dui. Donec dictum dapibus mauris, ac rhoncus purus placerat non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque semper sodales dui, viverra semper velit varius at. In lacus odio, euismod nec urna consectetur, molestie rhoncus tellus. Cras non pellentesque ipsum, id ornare magna. Suspendisse feugiat, ante nec tincidunt mollis, neque lorem mattis odio, venenatis fermentum nibh leo sed massa. In enim dui, ullamcorper sit amet accumsan accumsan, porta at ante. Suspendisse finibus vestibulum tincidunt. Nulla gravida orci et metus commodo varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.


Unlimited BANK Code Assessments


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sed pulvinar odio. Sed at tincidunt elit, eget tristique nunc. Nam est lectus, ornare quis mollis et, sodales eu turpis. Suspendisse rutrum faucibus ligula nec elementum. Aliquam sagittis, enim ac condimentum molestie, nunc augue congue quam, in pellentesque sapien velit at diam. Fusce consectetur, augue ac rutrum accumsan, purus odio euismod sapien, ac aliquam metus nibh facilisis dui. Donec dictum dapibus mauris, ac rhoncus purus placerat non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque semper sodales dui, viverra semper velit varius at. In lacus odio, euismod nec urna consectetur, molestie rhoncus tellus. Cras non pellentesque ipsum, id ornare magna. Suspendisse feugiat, ante nec tincidunt mollis, neque lorem mattis odio, venenatis fermentum nibh leo sed massa. In enim dui, ullamcorper sit amet accumsan accumsan, porta at ante. Suspendisse finibus vestibulum tincidunt. Nulla gravida orci et metus commodo varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.


BANK PASS Online Dashboard


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sed pulvinar odio. Sed at tincidunt elit, eget tristique nunc. Nam est lectus, ornare quis mollis et, sodales eu turpis. Suspendisse rutrum faucibus ligula nec elementum. Aliquam sagittis, enim ac condimentum molestie, nunc augue congue quam, in pellentesque sapien velit at diam. Fusce consectetur, augue ac rutrum accumsan, purus odio euismod sapien, ac aliquam metus nibh facilisis dui. Donec dictum dapibus mauris, ac rhoncus purus placerat non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque semper sodales dui, viverra semper velit varius at. In lacus odio, euismod nec urna consectetur, molestie rhoncus tellus. Cras non pellentesque ipsum, id ornare magna. Suspendisse feugiat, ante nec tincidunt mollis, neque lorem mattis odio, venenatis fermentum nibh leo sed massa. In enim dui, ullamcorper sit amet accumsan accumsan, porta at ante. Suspendisse finibus vestibulum tincidunt. Nulla gravida orci et metus commodo varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.


BANK Fundamentals VT Courses


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sed pulvinar odio. Sed at tincidunt elit, eget tristique nunc. Nam est lectus, ornare quis mollis et, sodales eu turpis. Suspendisse rutrum faucibus ligula nec elementum. Aliquam sagittis, enim ac condimentum molestie, nunc augue congue quam, in pellentesque sapien velit at diam. Fusce consectetur, augue ac rutrum accumsan, purus odio euismod sapien, ac aliquam metus nibh facilisis dui. Donec dictum dapibus mauris, ac rhoncus purus placerat non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque semper sodales dui, viverra semper velit varius at. In lacus odio, euismod nec urna consectetur, molestie rhoncus tellus. Cras non pellentesque ipsum, id ornare magna. Suspendisse feugiat, ante nec tincidunt mollis, neque lorem mattis odio, venenatis fermentum nibh leo sed massa. In enim dui, ullamcorper sit amet accumsan accumsan, porta at ante. Suspendisse finibus vestibulum tincidunt. Nulla gravida orci et metus commodo varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.


Top Sales Strategies Guide


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sed pulvinar odio. Sed at tincidunt elit, eget tristique nunc. Nam est lectus, ornare quis mollis et, sodales eu turpis. Suspendisse rutrum faucibus ligula nec elementum. Aliquam sagittis, enim ac condimentum molestie, nunc augue congue quam, in pellentesque sapien velit at diam. Fusce consectetur, augue ac rutrum accumsan, purus odio euismod sapien, ac aliquam metus nibh facilisis dui. Donec dictum dapibus mauris, ac rhoncus purus placerat non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque semper sodales dui, viverra semper velit varius at. In lacus odio, euismod nec urna consectetur, molestie rhoncus tellus. Cras non pellentesque ipsum, id ornare magna. Suspendisse feugiat, ante nec tincidunt mollis, neque lorem mattis odio, venenatis fermentum nibh leo sed massa. In enim dui, ullamcorper sit amet accumsan accumsan, porta at ante. Suspendisse finibus vestibulum tincidunt. Nulla gravida orci et metus commodo varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.


Private BANK Nation Facebook Group Access


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sed pulvinar odio. Sed at tincidunt elit, eget tristique nunc. Nam est lectus, ornare quis mollis et, sodales eu turpis. Suspendisse rutrum faucibus ligula nec elementum. Aliquam sagittis, enim ac condimentum molestie, nunc augue congue quam, in pellentesque sapien velit at diam. Fusce consectetur, augue ac rutrum accumsan, purus odio euismod sapien, ac aliquam metus nibh facilisis dui. Donec dictum dapibus mauris, ac rhoncus purus placerat non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque semper sodales dui, viverra semper velit varius at. In lacus odio, euismod nec urna consectetur, molestie rhoncus tellus. Cras non pellentesque ipsum, id ornare magna. Suspendisse feugiat, ante nec tincidunt mollis, neque lorem mattis odio, venenatis fermentum nibh leo sed massa. In enim dui, ullamcorper sit amet accumsan accumsan, porta at ante. Suspendisse finibus vestibulum tincidunt. Nulla gravida orci et metus commodo varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.


BANK Speed Coding VT Courses


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sed pulvinar odio. Sed at tincidunt elit, eget tristique nunc. Nam est lectus, ornare quis mollis et, sodales eu turpis. Suspendisse rutrum faucibus ligula nec elementum. Aliquam sagittis, enim ac condimentum molestie, nunc augue congue quam, in pellentesque sapien velit at diam. Fusce consectetur, augue ac rutrum accumsan, purus odio euismod sapien, ac aliquam metus nibh facilisis dui. Donec dictum dapibus mauris, ac rhoncus purus placerat non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque semper sodales dui, viverra semper velit varius at. In lacus odio, euismod nec urna consectetur, molestie rhoncus tellus. Cras non pellentesque ipsum, id ornare magna. Suspendisse feugiat, ante nec tincidunt mollis, neque lorem mattis odio, venenatis fermentum nibh leo sed massa. In enim dui, ullamcorper sit amet accumsan accumsan, porta at ante. Suspendisse finibus vestibulum tincidunt. Nulla gravida orci et metus commodo varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.


Ultimate Selling System VT Courses


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sed pulvinar odio. Sed at tincidunt elit, eget tristique nunc. Nam est lectus, ornare quis mollis et, sodales eu turpis. Suspendisse rutrum faucibus ligula nec elementum. Aliquam sagittis, enim ac condimentum molestie, nunc augue congue quam, in pellentesque sapien velit at diam. Fusce consectetur, augue ac rutrum accumsan, purus odio euismod sapien, ac aliquam metus nibh facilisis dui. Donec dictum dapibus mauris, ac rhoncus purus placerat non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque semper sodales dui, viverra semper velit varius at. In lacus odio, euismod nec urna consectetur, molestie rhoncus tellus. Cras non pellentesque ipsum, id ornare magna. Suspendisse feugiat, ante nec tincidunt mollis, neque lorem mattis odio, venenatis fermentum nibh leo sed massa. In enim dui, ullamcorper sit amet accumsan accumsan, porta at ante. Suspendisse finibus vestibulum tincidunt. Nulla gravida orci et metus commodo varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.


BANK Power Scripting VT Courses


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sed pulvinar odio. Sed at tincidunt elit, eget tristique nunc. Nam est lectus, ornare quis mollis et, sodales eu turpis. Suspendisse rutrum faucibus ligula nec elementum. Aliquam sagittis, enim ac condimentum molestie, nunc augue congue quam, in pellentesque sapien velit at diam. Fusce consectetur, augue ac rutrum accumsan, purus odio euismod sapien, ac aliquam metus nibh facilisis dui. Donec dictum dapibus mauris, ac rhoncus purus placerat non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque semper sodales dui, viverra semper velit varius at. In lacus odio, euismod nec urna consectetur, molestie rhoncus tellus. Cras non pellentesque ipsum, id ornare magna. Suspendisse feugiat, ante nec tincidunt mollis, neque lorem mattis odio, venenatis fermentum nibh leo sed massa. In enim dui, ullamcorper sit amet accumsan accumsan, porta at ante. Suspendisse finibus vestibulum tincidunt. Nulla gravida orci et metus commodo varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.


Sales Velocity Fast Track VT Courses


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sed pulvinar odio. Sed at tincidunt elit, eget tristique nunc. Nam est lectus, ornare quis mollis et, sodales eu turpis. Suspendisse rutrum faucibus ligula nec elementum. Aliquam sagittis, enim ac condimentum molestie, nunc augue congue quam, in pellentesque sapien velit at diam. Fusce consectetur, augue ac rutrum accumsan, purus odio euismod sapien, ac aliquam metus nibh facilisis dui. Donec dictum dapibus mauris, ac rhoncus purus placerat non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque semper sodales dui, viverra semper velit varius at. In lacus odio, euismod nec urna consectetur, molestie rhoncus tellus. Cras non pellentesque ipsum, id ornare magna. Suspendisse feugiat, ante nec tincidunt mollis, neque lorem mattis odio, venenatis fermentum nibh leo sed massa. In enim dui, ullamcorper sit amet accumsan accumsan, porta at ante. Suspendisse finibus vestibulum tincidunt. Nulla gravida orci et metus commodo varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.


Sales Courses Power Training Ticket Live


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sed pulvinar odio. Sed at tincidunt elit, eget tristique nunc. Nam est lectus, ornare quis mollis et, sodales eu turpis. Suspendisse rutrum faucibus ligula nec elementum. Aliquam sagittis, enim ac condimentum molestie, nunc augue congue quam, in pellentesque sapien velit at diam. Fusce consectetur, augue ac rutrum accumsan, purus odio euismod sapien, ac aliquam metus nibh facilisis dui. Donec dictum dapibus mauris, ac rhoncus purus placerat non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque semper sodales dui, viverra semper velit varius at. In lacus odio, euismod nec urna consectetur, molestie rhoncus tellus. Cras non pellentesque ipsum, id ornare magna. Suspendisse feugiat, ante nec tincidunt mollis, neque lorem mattis odio, venenatis fermentum nibh leo sed massa. In enim dui, ullamcorper sit amet accumsan accumsan, porta at ante. Suspendisse finibus vestibulum tincidunt. Nulla gravida orci et metus commodo varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.
